My Dreamy World!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Most Important!

.I finally got my family tattoo on the 19th.  I got it done at Yellow Rose Tattoo by Luis.  I have been waiting for this a long time.  I try to make all my tattoos about something most important to me.  Out of all of my tattoos this is the most important.  You can't see all of it in the photo so I will tell you about it.  There are two flowers called the Heliotrope, the flower represents internal love.  This is why I picked it for each of my boys.  The two hearts represent Mike and I. The anchor represents how they all save me everyday.  They remind me of what is most important. They keep me sane because I spend all my time focused on them and making sure the know how much they are loved. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Valentines!

I love Valentine's Day and I wanted to give the boys a Valentine's Day gift.  I loved waking up in the morning before school to find something on the table from my Mom, even if it was just little.

I made them cupcakes the night before.  I suck at frosting, but they tasted amazing.  I have to admit I eat a few to many!

Don't worry Isaac didn't hesitate to eat his chocolates.  He shoved them in his mouth as fast as he could!

I gave them light up bears.  They both used them as their night lights that night.  They were a hit.

Luca still hasn't had all of his chocolates.  He likes to take his time, unlike his little brother.

We had a blast and I love my boys more then anything, and I hope they only have good memories during of their holidays!

Friday, January 21, 2011


After almost five years I have finally talked Mike into letting me get another tattoo!!!!  It is going to take sometime before I get it.  I just am so excited and can't wait!

Friday, December 31, 2010



I LOVE Christmas!  I have had my tree up before thanksgiving.  I have loved every second of it.  Shopping for presents, spending time with family.  It truly doesn't get better then that.  I saw all of my family and Mike's family.  His brother Jay came in for 10 days and I loved every minute of it.  I tried to keep him here but he said he had to go back to school.   What a wussy! 
The boys loved there gifts from Santa.  Luca got a new spider man bike, and Isaac got a slide for inside the house.  I love the mess we have had from all the new toys.  Growing up my favorite was coloring in coloring books Christmas day under the tree.  So just watching the boys play reminded me of that. 
Christmas was always fun growing up, but Christmas as a child will never campier to giving Christmas to a child. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Luca's First Christmas Program.

Luca had his first school Christmas program it was so cute. I love him in school, all the fun stuff he brings home that he has been working on, its a Blast!

My first Thanksgiving!

I had so much fun cooking with my mother! I did not start cooking tell I meet Mike. I refused all growing up. I never thought I would be a stay at home mom or wife who cooked for her family. Man, how things have changed. Even though I had allot of fun it was still pretty traumatic. I wasn't sure if I would be able to eat the turkey after preparing it myself. However, I did and loved every minute of it. My whole family was there. Pretty traumatic for Mike growing up in a little family. We had about thirty or so in are home, and all of them were brothers and sisters, nieces, nephew, mom or dad's of mine. We also invited his brother and his family and his mother. It all added up fast. I am a big believer in the more the merrier, so I did not mind.